Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Freedom of speech in Canada under fire! Religious values come into play

Time and time again, we Canadians have to defend what makes Canada the place it is, our right to freedom of speech, expression, and free press. There is a fine line you could say, where freedom of speech clashes with religious values, and racism, and the Alberta Human Rights Commission believes Ezra Levant has crossed it. But, we believe the AHRC is eroding our freedoms, and we have to stand up for our rights.

From the video, it shows just how strongly one is willing to stand up for these rights, and I applaud his strength. Mr. Levant (pictured above) uses many forms of communication to get his message across, but the most influential one I would say would be films of his interrogation with the AHRC. These videos which appeared on YouTube, are influential because they appeal to our human nature as Canadians, as we are empathetic [1] for him. Canadians from around the country will be empathetic, because this issue is so deeply rooted to our lives, and we can all put ourselves in Mr. Levant’s shoes. Fellow Canadian John Pacheco demonstrates how others are feeling about this issue in his blog, and I strongly agree with his statement “when was the last time you heard any politician speak like Ezra has in the defense of our quickly eroding freedoms?” as it really hits home how volatile our freedoms are if we don’t stand up for them. Although religious rights are important, if we disregard our fundamental rights and freedoms, we will loose what defines us as Canadians.

To sum things up, I am empathic towards this ongoing debate of freedoms in Canada, and I feel that we all need to do our part and stand up for them as proud Canadians.

[1] Sevigny, A. Introduction to Communication. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2005.

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