Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Human Rights Commission Limits Freedoms!

Macleans magazine paints a vivid picture of ridiculousness to emphasis how outrageous the "rights" Canadians seem to have. The ideas that come to mind when we read the phrase "I prefer living with space lizards" is quite bizarre, as I immediately think of a futuristic world where space lizards rule our race because we let ourselves be controlled by reptiles as seen to the right.

It seems that Canadian rights and freedoms are constantly being attacked by the Human Rights Commission. Similar to the last human rights article, in which a columnist of a magazine caught heat for 'racist' cartons, this time a plastic surgeon gets sued for refusing service based on sexuality.

An interesting article highlights some of the similarities between the HRC and communism. It uses language to create images of pain and prosecution from the horrors of communism in the early 1900's. The articles views on the HRC agree with Macleans, who are said to have called it a "disgrace".

I beleive that although the HRC has potential to protect certain rights of Canadians, it requires rebuilding from scratch, as currently it is destroying the rights, freedoms, and culture Canada is known for.

Pinker, Steven. “An Instinct to Acquire an Art.” Introduction to Communication. Dr. Alexander Sevigny. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2005. 41-45.

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